Thursday, December 19, 2013

#12daysofblogging: my Wish List

Hiiii there. For those just stopping by my blog - welcome, glad you're here. I've seen this linkup come through a few times and I just never found the time to get my post up & shared. So - here we go. First time on this particular linkup. Onward & upward.

Decided to join this linkup on day 9 of #12daysofblogging! if you’re just joining us, you can find out more about the Christmas linkup here. Today’s prompt is “Christmas wishlist”. get inspired and spread the Christmas spirit! 

Once we get past all the giftcards this woman could enjoy - there are a few items that I'd love to see under the tree next week. 

 Black Amethyst anything & everything is pretty freaking fantastic.
My sister actually got me fairly excited about this scent when she had the body butter in her room. When I'd be over at my parents, I'd always take a detour into her room just to have the opportunity of using her body butter. She no longer has this so its up to my parents or myself to go the distance.

If I could walk into my kitchen on Christmas Day & have my kitchen re-modeled to something similar like this. My husband & I are just beginning loan repayment from grad school & its simply not something we can even think of seriously for another 15 years.

I take tons & have tons of good pictures from my wedding & life since to put in canvasses up around my house. While I want bigger sizes, just having the money to be able to afford the opportunity would be fantastic.

I am pretty blessed - I have everything I needed & these are just wishes. Over time they will go from wishes to the opportunity of having them happen but for now -- I just like to think of these 3 things as ideas that I wish for. Thanks for stopping by & hope you have a Merry Christmas! :) - Jessica

1 comment:

  1. Girl, a kitchen remodel sounds SO LOVELY. We are soon-to-be-homeowners and the first thing we want to do is redo the kitchen… It'll be slow and probably painful, but the prospect of it looking gorgeous afterwards has me all ready to get my cook on! :) Thanks for joining in the link-up… It's so amazing to get to meet new bloggers this way!


Thank you for stopping by my page and am more grateful for your comment. Be blessed.