Saturday, November 30, 2013

Highlights of my Thanksgiving/Black Friday.

Welp, Thanksgiving is over & I did get to enjoy seconds of my mom's mashed potatoes. Each bite was heavenly & you know its a hit with me when I pass over any other dish on the table for those. Another highlight of my Thanksgiving was this game: Mall Madness. I tend to bring it to my parents when its something fun to do instead of the usual. For the first time ever playing this game - when I went to the bank (to be fair - I was running out of money) it was closed. SEVEN times in a row. Insanity. But it did crack my mom & I up. It also cost me the game because I couldn't afford anything I didn't already have.


This year I hit the dessert bug. I made from scratch - pumpkin pie. I don't like pumpkin pie, well I've never had it but the smell of it just makes me feel sick. But I made it for my family because every one else does. For the first time ever - I made a holiday classic pie for my family & it turned out beautifully. I also made Mounds bars as well. We ended up with tons of desserts - 2 extra pies at my parents -- it was overload.

We also braved the stores for Thanksgiving sales & Black Friday today. 

Last night - we braved the cold - it was a windy 50 here but for Florida - that was the killer. (The previous night was 38 with insane winds). We waited outside Kohl's and got my husband's Christmas gifts. 

Today - we planned on Target. I've wanted to go all week. I did score some good deals.

4) A 12 pk of tumblr's for the house. Which we've been needing. 

All for a whopping $28 TOTAL. 

I've also been scouring Amazon all week but yesterday the deals started becoming ones I was interested in.
I just found out I bought the wrong Zumba - which greatly irks me. But I got the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack, a beautiful pink infinity scarf, THE playard from our baby registry (we were going to have to buy it regardless - why not save now?) 

But all in all - its been a great start to the holiday season for us. I am already planning out my cooking for Christmas.
& today my husband ordered my Christmas present - a brand new ELLIPTICAL! I can't wait to see how much weight I can lose because sometimes let's be honest - I am motivated to work out on the weekends at 1am. :)

We've been able to be quite productive since getting off work early on Wednesday. Our Christmas tree, lights, some presents are wrapped. Our house is cleaner inside, laundry & dishes are mostly done. Win win all the way around. Cleaning relaxes me.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

SO WHAT Wednesday

This week I am saying SO WHAT IF..

1) I go out of my way at work to get some McFatty's sweet tea, its like legal liquid crack. Makes me stay awake and helps me maintain my spinning straw into gold mentality.

2) I had already done all my grocery shopping the previous week but Saturday & Sunday I went to the holiday sampling at Sam's for the FREE FOOD. I hadn't eaten that day & it filled me up.

3) I already finished all of my Christmas shopping but I've been stalking the Black Friday sales for Amazon ALL WEEK. You never know the deals that will fly by -- I mean I did miss out on something that I clearly needed with that stellar welding torch. I survived.

4) I enjoy cleaning my house in spurts or at my parents house. I cleaned my sisters room thinking it would get me out of cleaning my house later. Alas it just made my cleaning motivation fly back.

5) I am much more excited about my Mom's incredible mashed potatoes tomorrow than mostly anything else.

6) I make it a mission to use a hashtag on my Facebook posts & will delay making a status until I come up with the perfect one.

7) I started watching Drop Dead Diva and now its the only thing I want to watch. Sometimes I will not care about the other amazing shows I watch until I binge DDD and mentally feel better.

8) I keep feeling the importance of updating my baby regist(ries) when I am still a year away from even being pregnant.

9) I like to persuade myself that there is something I need at Target everyday. The store is fantastic and usually never lets me down. It's my favorite place especially when I wow others with coupons, my Redcard & the Cartwheel app.

10) I am all pumped to lose weight but I still get excited for the food section of Pinterest. The things people come up with make me happy and interested in experimenting but sometimes require hours of effort. Yeah, ain't nobody got time for that. For realsies.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Weekend Tidbits.

Welp, we made it through another week, congrats. I don't know about you but I couldn't be happier. There were points this week I didn't know if I'd make it in one piece. Part of my transition to a new team has left me turning into a 99 year old woman -- falling asleep at 8:30. Yiiikes. That was different yet serendipidity? Yeah.

I felt the need to update but I don't really have anything big to update. Just a few random things.

One of the ladies I work with do Transformations - a type of physician supervised weight loss. I am debating about if I can with my condition and if its worth it. I've heard great things about women who've kept it off but I am eager to get other perspectives. I've tried my share of diets -- Weight Watchers, South Beach, Atkins, but the bottom line is -- none of these are magic - they won't let you lose the weight overnight just like you didn't gain the weight in 5 seconds. That is what I need to decide to do.

I am loving that the holidays are right around the corner. I got my Starbucks holiday drink on last weekend even the day of my best friend's wedding. Which, she looked gorgeous & I am so happy for her. Here are a few shots of me & her --

I was lucky enough to celebrate the wedding with two of our friends. The three of us kept the others sane. It was an interesting wedding especially when my friend Katty G caught the bouquet that night again. She caught it at my wedding so I loved it so its a new tradition in a way. But it was great fun to celebrate my bestie and her mister. :) Plus it allowed my mister & I to get a picture together. YAY. We looked schnazzy. :)

Today was probably the best day ever. I am going to get back on track with my squat challenge. Kind of fell off the wagon and rolled around in the mud -- basically just forgot to stay on it. But today I belted out N*Sync on the way into work -- we're talking classic hits like 'Bye, Bye, Bye' & 'It's gonna be meeee!' lol. That will get a smile on my face pulling into work on a Friday. I also made a student loan payment. Been working hard to have a bit extra. It may sound off to others but I honestly am ready to just make more payments. I am actually looking forward to being in repayment.  & then I got this awesome email from Laura over @ The Every Day Joys (if you're not following her blog, well I'm scratching my head as she is fantastic!) -- I won the Hunger Games giveaway on my blog. When I told my husband he was surprised as I just got into this movie series recently. But hey, it always feels nice to win a giveaway. :)

I had to make a sad decision today. I have been obsessed with deals on Moolala lately (kind of like a Groupon that pays you for every deal you buy) - I ordered 5 canvasses and I just kept running into sizing snags. They were going to revolutionize our living room - make it more homey feeling -- but alas, I had to get a refund. So I am bummed but still on the look out for great canvas deals. 

It's been one full week since joining my new team at work & I love it. It will take time to make friends with all the new people but I am loving the non stress and the energy I have. I got home tonight - got laundry going, got the dishes going, made dinner. I think at one point I looked at my husband like 'we can throw a newborn in this -- I got my A game on' Something of that nature. Plus tonight - in other randomness - I was able to buy my dogs' Christmas gifts - basically cutesy treats. They wont really care as they have a ton laying around our house but I am excited to give them the treats.  Essentially I am all done with Christmas shopping in terms of gifts minus my husband. This will happen next week with the incredible Amazon sale. Cannot wait to get some good deals - I am taking part in Target's black friday sale but I have some items I have been saving for. 

Hope you enjoyed my weekend tidbits. I will most likely think of many many more. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

For Christmas this year...

For Christmas this year..

Thankfully my husband & I will have Christmas day off work. It  pays to work for an organization that pays you to enjoy the day off with your family. We also get a half day off for Christmas Eve. Since we live in Florida, we are blessed to have sunshine but on that day, it doesn't feel like Christmas. I was born in Ohio so I used to have snowy or at least cold Christmas weather so it felt more like a holiday. I can wish all I want for snow but alas, it just won't happen here. So I live vicariously through my inlaws who live where snow is happening & will. 

Next month, my mom will be snapping our Christmas pictures of us and this year I am trying to find the right template to make a newsletter. Usually we do a Snapfish or Groupon deal for cutesy Christmas cards but it just got too expensive & I enter loan repayment right after Christmas. *What a fun gift to me from the Dept of Education.*

This year, I got reaallly excited for Christmas in September. I started buying gifts then and it didn't make my husband too happy with me. While its mid November, and nice to say I am 95% done shopping for others; I really wish I had just waited. Last year, I got everyone's Christmas presents for $50 and FREE SHIPPING. I was so proud of myself, and it was a great feeling. Next year, when I get the Christmas shopping bug -- I am going to push hard to wait. (My greatest joy is the Amazon black Friday sale or the other online ones).

I agree with Laura -- now that I am older -- I don't really have a flowing list of what I want for Christmas. People will ask but I am happy with gift-cards to Target. or Starbucks.  Give me a day at Target, with my wad of coupons, & the Cartwheel app -- I could wow you with the savings I find & all that I will end up getting. I will say, this year I am doing more homemade and trying to get into that as much as I can going forward because while its nice to get gifts -- that is not the underlining reason I celebrate Christmas. I celebrate it because of Jesus being born. I do get excited to go to the Christmas Eve services, seeing how churches decorate with candles, wreaths & Christmas trees -- that makes my day, or night rather. 

As far as I can remember, I had an real tree growing up. But my husband & I bought ours from Walmart at 70% off and its beautiful. My thing is finding ornaments from all the places we've gone that year or go to - this year I get to add our ornaments from our Disney Bahama cruise and from the Bahamas originally. I think it'd be beautiful to have a real Christmas tree, to breathe in the smell but with my pups out while I am at work, I'm afraid they'd try to eat the tree. 

But I think what I am most excited for -- is the cooking/baking involved & the reactions from family when they open their gifts. Also the big meal involved later that day with my mom's infamous homemade potatoes. Mmm. Deeelish. I'd rather spend the entire day with family than anywhere else. I will probably bring a dessert but I cannot wait to just celebrate the day with those I love most. 

Still a few weeks away but I am excited for Christmas THIS year. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Say Hello, will yaaaa??

This week has been really busy for me as I am finishing up on my current team. In a week from today, I will be getting settled in on my new team. My first internal promotion at work & its a bittersweet feeling but I am ready for the potential of upward mobility. :) 

Let's get started as I am sure y'all didn't stop by for the Lifetime movie commentary of the past 48 hours in my life ;)

1. What is your morning routine? Our morning routine is one thing that doesn't really change much around here. During the week, the alarm is set for a rather unpleasant hour, I let the dogs out (the perks of having a house with a fenced yard) & get our breakfast going (pop-tarts). We leave the house for work and I try not walk in frazzled from those crazy Florida drivers. You know the ones I am referring to because they live where you are too. During the weekends, we don't set an alarm & it feels great when I wake up. Either we relax for awhile and clean up/do laundry or we set out for the theme parks. Or I go to my mom's house because I don't see her or my family enough. Boring, but typical, and I’m okay with the flow of our same-same mornings. :)
2. Are you on Instagram? If so, what is your username? Who are 3 of your favorite IGers? I sure am. @jessicawhitney108 is where you’ll find me. Some of my faves are @mbchap232, @mgnmetzger, @team_vicki_soto3. 

3) Please list out your must read blogs: Laura, Amy & Kristen. 
4. Tell us a little about you and your family.  I met my husband online on a website that literally no one has ever heard of. I say that because its true, I tell people where & they either laugh like I am kidding or the deer in the headlights look back in 2009. I had just graduated college with a horrible economy to no offers or prospects. I tell you, telling my parents 'hey, I found... a sweet boyfriend who makes me happy' wasn't the big news they probably wanted instead of something that would pay me consistently. I ended up moving across the country for him right after we started dating, and started grad school too. We got married in 2011, and six months later bought our first house. We have two dogs & are getting ourselves healthy & fit before we have kids *hopefully by Spring 2015*. 
5. What are your favorite holiday traditions? Having Thanksgiving and Christmas at my parents' house. Though before the big dinner, my husband & I wake up early on Turkey Day to watch the Macy's Day parade. We indulge in some not so healthy snacks and sparkling cider. Since I am actively trying to lose weight, this year I will be indulging but waiting for my mom's amazing homemade mashed potatoes. *When I get pregnant, I will be totally okay eating this for 9 months.* Christmas is fantastic - I love the baking, the gifts, the time with family. Charlie Brown music. I'd say so far our tradition is putting up our lights outside & the tree. Adding gifts underneath as I wrap them -- I love wrapping gifts. :)
6. Tell us one random fact about you! Make it fun! During my freshman year in college, I was living out of state. While trying to dye my hair, it came out horribly. So I figured I'd just wait it out a few weeks and try again. Nope. My friend in my dorm dyed my hair right after it, without washing it out & for one night only -- I had neon green hair. It was terrifying. I had to wear a hoodie the next day into my class where my professor was 80 years old, pretty blunt & 150 students attend. {I did dye my hair professionally the day after but because it had been dyed twice in 24 hrs, my scalp was literally burned and it hurt to move.} #oldieBUTagoodie
Looking forward to meeting y'all. {jess}

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day(s) 3-5 of #beingThankful

Where does the time go in a day? This can be said about every aspect of my life lately. Work wise, I am wrapping up my role in my current team before I move to my new role next Friday! Workouts, time with family, etc. I've been working out like crazy lately so I haven't had time to post.

I wanted to catch up on my being Thankful posts. I made them on Facebook but never posted them on here.

Day #3. I am thankful for Pinterest as silly as this is. As a first time homeowner, I love to peruse and find new projects for my house, for my future kids, & anything that seems relatively interesting,

Honestly, both of these things are things I love to read about on Pinterest because I have two pups & I am hoping to start our family next Christmas. Pinterest is basically an addiction for women, men & anyone who are creative & need an outlet.

Day #4. I am blessed because I have 3 families that I am apart of. Despite what family they originate from, I am thankful for each and everyone of them. I've been able to make some pretty amazing memories, big and small. I love seeing my family grow and can't wait to see it expand in the next few decades.


These pictures are all of immediate family but each person though not pictured is important. My roots were established in two great families, I also was fortunate to marry into a pretty awesome family who have shown me love and happiness before we even exchanged vows.

Day #5. Today I am excited for biweekly date nights with my mister @ Tijuana Flats. :) 

Tonight I got to celebrate my fave lil man's 2nd birthday. Since I won't be there to see him turn 2 tomorrow, and enjoy cake -- I also got a kiss & hug from my nephew which doesn't happen too often. I am so blessed & happy that we have a good relationship thus far.

Hope you're enjoying your week, I am so glad the weekend is getting closer!! ;)


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day #2 of #beingThankful

Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend thus far. This am, I was able to sleep in -- always feels nice when Friday night & I don't have to set an alarm. Not even sure what time it was when I got out of bed but mornings like this make me appreciative that we're still a year away from starting our family. Granted, I know that when my nephew was born two years ago, after I waited in line (trust me, it was a loooong line) and got to hold that gorgeous little boy -- time stood still. I got to feed him a bottle & while I was tired, I didn't care. When that moment comes for me -- I will gladly be sleep deprived because the second I blink -- they will be much older.

Anywho -- Day #2 of being thankful. I am thankful for my beautiful house. Six months after we got hitched, we were able to use our wedding gifts outside of a cramped apartment & bought our amazing house. While we think the previous owners were a tad on the cray side -- they ripped out light fixtures, shelving, and had painted the upstairs hallway a dark teal. Our downstairs living room was a bright yellow. They definitely fueled our motivation to change all of these things in our home. The Home Depot & Lowe's by our house recognize us for good reasons. We've googled & Youtube-d demos on learning how to do various tasks around the house.

We are so blessed to live where we are. I don't always love our neighbors but slowly & surely we're making our house into the home we want. I am finding a lot of different Pinterest ideas & I am finding a lot of creativity within Target. I will say that my marriage & buying our first home together has taught me alot. Growing up, I was used to my parents' decor styles at their house & obviously my husband was accustomed to his. Merging these two very different tastes has been hard. i really like pictures hanging up & different plaques. He likes bare walls. I definitely have my work cut out for me & there is a lot of compromise.


Friday, November 1, 2013

30 days of #THANKS

Every November, I make a point of taking time to be thankful. I feel the holidays come and go, and people get so invested in getting gifts that they lose focus on what the holidays are. The holidays are a time to be thankful for everything in your life, you know? Whether its your job, your family, your kids, your home, everything that God has blessed you with this year.  Everyday this month, my posts will be honoring someone or something that I am #thankful for.

Here we goooo. Day #1.

First & foremost, I am so very thankful for my husband. He is my better half, he loves me for me & completes me. That sounds so very cheesy but it's true. I am so blessed that we found each other, because I appreciate the man he is. He always makes me laugh and supports my dreams. 

He knows that I am destined for greatness and appreciates the lady I am. We've already been together for 4 years and I am so excited for the many more.  He is an incredible husband & I know he will be a fantastic daddy when the moment comes. 

Hope your first day of November was fantastic. Here in central Florida, its supposed to be cold & will make it feel even more like FALL :)  I encourage you to remember what you're thankful for this month, it will make THANKSGIVING, the Macy's day parade & all that yummy food feel even better :)
