Friday, November 8, 2013

Say Hello, will yaaaa??

This week has been really busy for me as I am finishing up on my current team. In a week from today, I will be getting settled in on my new team. My first internal promotion at work & its a bittersweet feeling but I am ready for the potential of upward mobility. :) 

Let's get started as I am sure y'all didn't stop by for the Lifetime movie commentary of the past 48 hours in my life ;)

1. What is your morning routine? Our morning routine is one thing that doesn't really change much around here. During the week, the alarm is set for a rather unpleasant hour, I let the dogs out (the perks of having a house with a fenced yard) & get our breakfast going (pop-tarts). We leave the house for work and I try not walk in frazzled from those crazy Florida drivers. You know the ones I am referring to because they live where you are too. During the weekends, we don't set an alarm & it feels great when I wake up. Either we relax for awhile and clean up/do laundry or we set out for the theme parks. Or I go to my mom's house because I don't see her or my family enough. Boring, but typical, and I’m okay with the flow of our same-same mornings. :)
2. Are you on Instagram? If so, what is your username? Who are 3 of your favorite IGers? I sure am. @jessicawhitney108 is where you’ll find me. Some of my faves are @mbchap232, @mgnmetzger, @team_vicki_soto3. 

3) Please list out your must read blogs: Laura, Amy & Kristen. 
4. Tell us a little about you and your family.  I met my husband online on a website that literally no one has ever heard of. I say that because its true, I tell people where & they either laugh like I am kidding or the deer in the headlights look back in 2009. I had just graduated college with a horrible economy to no offers or prospects. I tell you, telling my parents 'hey, I found... a sweet boyfriend who makes me happy' wasn't the big news they probably wanted instead of something that would pay me consistently. I ended up moving across the country for him right after we started dating, and started grad school too. We got married in 2011, and six months later bought our first house. We have two dogs & are getting ourselves healthy & fit before we have kids *hopefully by Spring 2015*. 
5. What are your favorite holiday traditions? Having Thanksgiving and Christmas at my parents' house. Though before the big dinner, my husband & I wake up early on Turkey Day to watch the Macy's Day parade. We indulge in some not so healthy snacks and sparkling cider. Since I am actively trying to lose weight, this year I will be indulging but waiting for my mom's amazing homemade mashed potatoes. *When I get pregnant, I will be totally okay eating this for 9 months.* Christmas is fantastic - I love the baking, the gifts, the time with family. Charlie Brown music. I'd say so far our tradition is putting up our lights outside & the tree. Adding gifts underneath as I wrap them -- I love wrapping gifts. :)
6. Tell us one random fact about you! Make it fun! During my freshman year in college, I was living out of state. While trying to dye my hair, it came out horribly. So I figured I'd just wait it out a few weeks and try again. Nope. My friend in my dorm dyed my hair right after it, without washing it out & for one night only -- I had neon green hair. It was terrifying. I had to wear a hoodie the next day into my class where my professor was 80 years old, pretty blunt & 150 students attend. {I did dye my hair professionally the day after but because it had been dyed twice in 24 hrs, my scalp was literally burned and it hurt to move.} #oldieBUTagoodie
Looking forward to meeting y'all. {jess}

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, I know what you mean by the burnt scalp all too well. In college a friend of mine was attempting to go to cosmetology school and needed some practice. I was the guinea pig and for almost 12 hours my hair was bright pumpkin orange. Getting it fixed was time consuming and painful but I definitely learned my lesson lol. Thanks for stopping by my blog, returning the love from Laura's hop!


Thank you for stopping by my page and am more grateful for your comment. Be blessed.