Tuesday, February 5, 2013


One Tree Hill has the best quotes.

Next Thursday is already Valentine's Day. Now that I'm happily married, it really doesn't phase me. I do remember growing up in elementary school and the excitement of buying the cute Valentine's to give to all my friends in our special Valentine's boxes. 

And I remember being in college. single and I was pretty excited that my mom sent me a Valentine's note encouraging me that just because I didn't have a 'Valentine' that particular day to buy me roses or chocolate that it didn't mean God loved me any less. In fact, she encouraged me to stay strong and be the person I am despite. Glad I have a wonderful mother/best friend in my life.  

Now that I am grown, I get to do Valentine's for my friends/bosses at work and I found a cute idea with Rice Krispies. I'm also going to make them for my hubby's team just for him to get extra brownie points. 

His wish for Valentine's day is that I make him chocolate mint fudge: pretty easy to please, that one.. He's not big on cards so I have to oblige. 

Any one doing anything special for Valentine's? Or any past memories from Valentine's that you'd like to share? 

See you tomorrow for So What, Wednesday with Shannon @ Life After I Dew :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the quote! I agree, that show has some great lines.


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