Wednesday, January 8, 2014

TGBTL Week #5. Admiring his perseverance.

Hey loves! For those of you just stopping by - welcome. Glad you stopped by. Today & every Wednesday, I am linking up for TGBTL with Lauren & Hayley.

Today's prompt is: Tell us about a trait you admire in someone you look up to & why.

I have to agree with Lauren, that its hard to just pick one because those closest to me are all pretty flipping amazing in their own way. That being said, there's one big quality that always speaks volumes to me in my dad - that of his perseverance. My whole life, he has consistently shown and taught me to appreciate working hard to achieve my goals, small or big. He is just always persistent and has perseverance in every area of his life. I feel like this has passed down to me in mostly every area of my life. Sometimes its paid off in a positive way and sometimes, not so much. But its taught me to be stronger.

My dad was taught from day one to not ever expect anything from anyone. He had some amazing mentors & family to give these important lessons. When he was a small child, he faced devastation. He lost his right eye at the age of 5 over something not in his control. From then on, he marched to the beat of his own drum. He didn't use this setback to hold himself back- he still achieved greatness. He played football throughout high school & college. He graduated with his Bachelors Degree from Defiance University. He worked hard to earn a top notch executive position at his work. He married my mom & because of their choices together created a powerful legacy for myself & my siblings. He has persevered through everything thrown at him and its only made him come out strong on the other side.

He's an excellent role model and I can't wait for the day when I have kids so they can learn from his example as well. He's blessed my life more than I could ever imagine.

He was super proud to accompany me to my company Christmas party too.*

Again, thanks for stopping by & you stay classy. I've been working hard on my goals for this month which you can check out here! I am super glad its Wednesday, and ready for Disney on Friday night :)  - Jessica


  1. Sounds like your father is a wonderful role model! Visiting from the linkup.

  2. Awe loved reading this!
    I just came across your blog & I am so happy I did! I am now following. I look forward to keeping up!


  3. Your dad sounds awesome! I love what you've learned from you -- it's a priceless lesson! :) Thanks for linking up with us every week, Jess!!


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