Thursday, January 23, 2014

TGBTL Week #7: Tangible Pride & Joy.

**Disclaimer: This post was intended for Wednesday but due to being sick & technical issues - it just didn't happen. But wanted to get it out there because its a great prompt to share.**

Happy Wednesday, loves. It's been a long week thus far & its only going to continue. Definitely doesn't help that its 25 degrees in Florida & the wind is killer. For those of you just stopping by my blog - WELCOME. Every Wednesday I link up w/ other fantastic women for the 'Girl Between the Lines' goodness. This week we are sharing our most tangible items we hold dearest.

Last week I was trying to find my item for last week's linkup. What I found besides it is something I hold even closer to my heart. I've kept most of the letters from my grandparents since I was a little girl. I am very close to my family. My phone is dead & I am not able to take a picture at this time but just know there is a plethora. All my grandparents on my dad's side have all passed on and I am the absolutest closest to them. I think what makes these notes extremely special to me is that because when I was younger - I used to live closer (distance wise) to my extended family. When my dad was transferred down to Florida, I've missed going to our family get together's, Christmases & Thanksgiving dinners annually. By reading these notes, it not only brought a tear to my eye but a warm feeling in my heart because I am blessed to have the most incredible family in the world.

Along with these letters, I also have a few handmade items from my grandma who went to be with the Lord in 1997 from breast cancer. She was a very beautiful woman, talented in many areas. Two of these items deserve a picture - which I will update gladly this weekend. My family gave me one of my grandma's paintings and a mini wooden horse that she hand painted. My house looks brighter knowing that my grandma's beautiful painting has added richness that you can't get elsewhere.

You stay classy & thanks for stopping by! 


  1. stopping by from the TGBTL neat that you have kept all those letters. I have kept letters and cards sent by my grandmother who passed away in 1998 from cancer and every time I come across always makes me tear up!

  2. How sweet! You're so lucky to have those things that can remind you of your grandma! Letters are one of the most personal things we can get, sometimes! :)


Thank you for stopping by my page and am more grateful for your comment. Be blessed.