Friday, March 21, 2014

Five on Friday!


Finally decided that since my favorite Girl Between the Lines linkup is down finished – sad face – that I needed to join up a new one. So I am going to try to be committed to the Five on Friday craze that I see but I never remember to do. Lo and behold – here I am. - my first one.  

1.       Last night we hit up Tarjay & Walmart for our biweekly grocery shopping trip. I am happy to share that between the two trips with my Cartwheel App (if you love Tarjay/saving money, try it!), coupons and sales in the store – I saved $12. I was pretty happy. 

2.       When we were on our Disney cruise last week – on Friday, we woke up in Nassau to see that the Disney Wonder was also in our port. We were excited because usually we only see Carnival in the port when we’re there. More exciting since we booked our 2015 Disney cruise through the Wonder. They’ll be stopping in Nassau so its exciting to see this ship up close.


3.       First off – I realized the day after I got back that I have am allergic to pollen. Never in my life before has this so dramatically made me excited to breathe. I feel like it really does hurt me at work in terms of concentration. But this does sum up my week & has made me feel like I am suddenly old & hard of hearing. I hate (with a passion) being congested.


4.       The week before my cruise I participated in my first focus group that paid me. It was an interesting experience but nonetheless, I am excited because I am finally using it to buy my new handbag – I was originally waiting to treat myself for my birthday plus I’m a Disney Annual Pass Holder so I will get 10% off. I fell in love with it & can’t wait to own this bag.



5.       When I came home from the Bahamas on Sunday am, I saw on my Freebies 2 Deals email website, which you need to follow. She is amazing & just wrote her first book that I intend on buying. I just happened to catch the last day of a Snapfish photo prints deal that let me print most of my cruise pics for 99 cents + shipping. = $7 I plan on a few scrapbooking dates with my mom soon. It’s here in Florida and I am supposed to get it tomorrow!
Thanks for stopping by. Have a fantastic weekend. This week after vacay has been super slow and I am definitely counting down to my weekend starting at 6pm. I have my sisters over for the weekend since my parents are celebrating their 32nd anniversary simultaneously. :)


  1. Happy first 5 on Friday, girlfriend!!!

    And I love, love, love the Cartwheel app!! :)

  2. Hello from the link up! Hooray for DISNEY goodness!!! :) I thought about getting that bag during our recent trip to the World -- love it!! Hope your enjoying a lovely first weekend of Spring!



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