Friday, February 28, 2014

TGBTL: Why I'd loooove to lunch w/ Kristen Wiig

Happy Wednesday, loves! :)

For those of you just stopping by my blog - WELCOME! Every week - I get excited for another week of my weekly linkup with the ladies of #GirlBetweentheLines . This week is about who I'd have lunch with of my fave celebrity/blogger/etc. (Disclaimer: I've been sick this week so this is late getting posted!)
& because she is so hilarious. & I looooved her on SNL as Gilly, Penelope, Sue, & all the crazy characters she came up with. & because she wrote and starred in my favorite movie everrrr: Bridesmaids: I would looove the opportunity to lunch with Kristen Wiig. I feel it'd be funny and she'd be really personable & sarcastic. Because this is how I know her. 

Honestly - she is the funniest lady I know. When I found out that she was young Lucille in Arrested Development - she was made for that role - and she would be in Anchorman 2 - makes me even more excited to see the movie or show. I am not a crazy person that would send her letters or freak her out -- but if the opportunity presented itself for me to have lunch w/ her - I'd gladly take it!! Her skills literally make me laugh til I cry. Heck, I saw Bridesmaids (for the third time on my honeymoon!)

Hope you are having a great week. My sis in law is here from Missouri for the whole week & it's been fantastic having her here. Excited for when she & the fam move here! :) 

1 comment:

  1. She is pretty hilarious! I love her on SNL! The Thanksgiving/soup kitchen one with Anne Hathaway was hilarious!

    Anne: Happy Thanksgiving

    Kristen: Happy Thanksgiving, Happy turkey day, happy valentines day...just want to be the first to say it, happy 4th of july...probably get to see a lot of fireworks cause you live outside..hilarious! :)

    Visting from link-up..I'm so behind! LOL!


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