Sunday, May 18, 2014

sometimes, i must reflect. #june18

{Oh, Robert De Niro - highlight of the movie.}

Truth is - I absolutely love rom com movies. My husband protests when I want to watch one and then swoon over it - letting my girly side come out. But it's hard not to - when the perfect cue and the kissing starts especially when they have their dramatic speeches about why the other is their perfect match. & why the guy is who they've been waiting for. 

I am a month away from celebrating my 3rd wedding anniversary and today I was reminded about the relationship/bond with my mister is SO important *not that I ever thought it wasn't.* I watched a video about a charming couple, Ian & Larissa who have braved many more dark days but still managed to keep a smile and thanking God for these brighter moments.  His brain injury was but a speck in their relationship and future marriage.  That video made me tear up today and made me remember my wedding vows even more. 

When I married Chris that day almost three years ago, we took an oath. We promised a lot to each other when there are so many uncertainties, I promised to him a life of adventure despite every curve ball in our lives - no matter what happens to us - that I'd have his back in the best & worst situation until our death. Those aren't light promises, folks. Those are intense and I meant every single word. The best thing I've learned about my marriage is that every moment can make or break it. Every thing you say can either build him up or break him down. My sarcasm at times has led to some pretty unfortunate moments between us because I try to be funny. But at the end of the day, we keep moving forward. We don't sweat the small stuff. We gots plans and we are constantly reminded of the bigger picture. We want to start our family, be better off financially *we are* and continue to let God steer us in the direction HE wants to go. 

My husband hates cards - so this year & every year we're going to be crafty. I didn't tell him this part. We're taking a picture on our anniversary - cue the cute selfie and then we're each writing a letter of our favorite memories from that year previously.  I am going to scrapbook them and open these envelopes up on big anniversaries. That's the crafty side of me coming out. I want us to look back in thirty years and remember the memories, the best of what we've had more than what a hallmark card says. The memories are ones you never forget. 

Welp, tomorrow we're trying out a new church and enjoying a nice day together. Which I absolutely love. 

Thanks for stopping by... ~ J

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