I am a little late on this but Happy Friday! I am blessed to work for an university that recognizes the hard work and service of the students who are veterans. Growing up, I never understood what Memorial Day really was. I knew it was military related but since being promoted to my military team, I've gotten to learn first-hand exactly the sacrifices that these men and women have endured. Being in the military is a real deal - you have a LOT of responsibilities, sometimes on very little sleep -- but at the end of the day, you are keeping all of us safe. Today at our Memorial Day ceremony, our keynote speaker mentioned what his version of what a veteran is -- it was roughly a billion degrees outside but from what I remember - People sleep quietly while the men and women are standing outside their door keeping the peace. Something to that effect. I was thrilled that I got to enjoy Chickfila & Jeremiah's Ice while downing bottles of water. Turns out I also got a tad sunburned, which is going to be a super fun tan. Alright - time to celebrate my week and be glad it's the weekend.
1. I think the best part of the week is that my baby seester finished her last day of finals for middle school. She's officially a FRESHMAN in high school! #classof2019 Goodness, I am slightly feeling pretty old. :) :) (far right - this is an older pic).
2) I have absolutely fallen in love with the flavor of anything and everything Birthday Cake. It comes in m&m's, ice cream. It's an incredibly rich flavor. I had some iice cream just now because that goes perfectly with my Scandal marathon and I licked the bowl like my pups would.
3) Tomorrow is a busy day. My hubs is going to the dentist, I am finally going to Goodwill and donating EVERYTHING that I've been wanting to donate for the past few YEARS. I keep saying I am going, but then I don't and its just accumulated. I don't mean to insult or make fun of people who are on the show 'Hoarders'. But I kind of feel like all this stuff is quickly heading in that direction. Another awesome fact is that I get to go on a mini golf double date with my hubs, my bestie and her mister.. Yay for Groupons & Taco date :) :)
4) This week I took a hard look at my #weightloss goals and came up with a new workout routine. It was hard, sweaty and I downed an entire bottle of smartwater in a short time span. I tell you what - the guy who does Zumba Expert level resembles Channing Tatum in Magic Mike. & Jillian Michaels after those 40 minutes? Brutal!
But worth it. Just reminded to take it day by day. :)
5. I think the best part of my entire week is this week was crossing off a lot of little to - do's on the bigger to-do list. I watched the next big talent win the title of "The Voice" this week. We've been working on painting the room that will be for our future babies. It's the planner in us. It helps keep the dream real that this condition of mine after I lose all the weight for my #BiggestLoser moment hopefully by next fall -- won't give us any issues trying to start our family.
This week had its ups and downs but all in all - its important to keep the spirit and momentum up as high as possible. I need to keep working out, even on days when I want to crawl up and keep my dreams on top of my sweet tooth. I worked hard and while tonight's reward was ice cream and a Scandal marathon -- Mind you, this is just a pep talk for myself but sometimes I need to be transparent and honest about my goals instead of keeping them on Post-It Notes.
Off to measure for new shelves while keeping on with this Scandal marathon! I'm thinking since tomorrow in Central Florida will be 96 degrees - I will need to get my hands on Publix Sweet Tea! :)
Thanks for stopping by & I'll see you back here tomorrow! You stay classy, planet Earth ;) ~ J
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