Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ohh, the honesty chat.

Hello, friends. After reading a beautiful post by one of my favorite bloggers about why she blogs, I realized that I needed to stop letting my life get in the way and stop neglecting my post. When I first started blogging, I first wrote on a page through Xanga, mostly to keep in touch before Facebook after I returned home after attending college for 18 months out of state. My blog on Xanga was almost like a diary - no real important details but sometimes just awkward to write. Like those early Facebook posts that I saw on my feed: Bob bought a coke & liked it. Or Sue went to school today and aced her test. While these were great posts, they weren't really connecting me with people. They were keeping me in my bubble.

One of the biggest questions I've encountered while writing my book (still in process for years) is why I enjoy writing. What is my goal that I hope to get across to my readers not only on here but when my book gets published (hopefully next year).

I enjoy writing & blogging because it allows me to share moments of reflection of either past experiences or something on my heart that by writing a to do list or something small wouldn't allow me to process my internal ramblings. I've noticed in the past few years that I greatly enjoy being more reserved because it allows me the opportunity for inspiration, whether posts I want to share or memories I want to recall deeper. I also feel that writing is a way to connect with other individuals. I realize that for the past (in my case) 8 years that Facebook has been a constant presence in my life, and in the past few years - Instagram also has too. I only use Facebook for the opportunity of staying in touch or re-connecting with old friends/family who live out of state. I feel in the next few years that Facebook won't really be something I really keep up with - there are many days where I honestly want to leave it behind cold turkey because it just creates too much unneeded drama in my life.

I feel like this blog is my journey to share the coming chapters in my life. I've been dealt a few cards in my life that have caused internal turmoil that I want to connect with others - being my lifelong condition of hypothyroidism and how its hurt me in losing weight & pushed out my dream of becoming a mother. This journey is hard, and something that will be part of the rest of my life. I am sure there are those out there who may have this condition and it'd be nice to find new friends who are in my shoes. Or maybe there are those ladies who are on the weight loss train themselves. I've been working hard *on/off* for the past 2+ years to shed the weight. I've shed 40 pounds and kept it off but I also have another 75+ to lose before having a healthy pregnancy is even on the table for my life. Or maybe there is a reader out there who is married and just living life. I've been super blessed to marry my best friend. He makes me laugh and I love waking up to or going to bed with him by my side. I wouldn't want to do life with anyone else.

This is my space to talk about all of the previous topics. This is my space to share, connect, befriend and enjoy life. I love finding new opportunities to find new friends. I love to write and be in community with ladies who love to write and share their lives (that sounded creepy but I'm not a stalker! lol) This is the story that I am going to be better about. I am on various journeys - I am on my marriage journey (about to celebrate 3 years of wedded adventures), on my life journey that's intertwined with discovering my greatness/lose the weight & get fit so that we can start our family. I'm a planner and I enjoy posting about my life. I am excited to see the positives of what this blog will bring and the friendships I will make.

Hope you're having a FANTASTIC week. After taking a few too many days off, tomorrow night I'll be rejoining Jillian Michaels for my six week six pack.  YAY. :) Thanks for stopping by! ~ J

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