Wednesday, February 12, 2014

TGBTL: Fave photo.

Happy Wednesday, loves. 
Today is my last day at home before returning to work from having surgery.

Every week I post and link up with two fantastic ladies, Hayley & Lauren for Girl Between the Lines. Last week I went pretty topic heavy with my free week of no prompt & wrote about something I am pretty passionate about. I feel like women need to be inspired to not only be their best but to overcome their past and their fears. Every woman has a story and experiences that deserve to be in the spotlight. Technology helps us accomplish big things in society but sometimes it has the impression on women that we need to change ourselves - and match the mold that celebrities are expected to maintain and uphold. This is a post that I want to expand on and will be included in my book - if you're interested in sharing your story, I'd love to hear from you.

This week for my link up - the prompt is to share my favorite photo and the story behind it. 

These are very recent pictures that I wanted to share that are easily my new pictures. These are from my work Christmas party in December. I usually invite and share the party festivities with my parents. This year my company decided to make pictures even more entertaining. My husband & I smiled big together & then had a group shot. The latter shot made me giggle when I see it because we have this vibe that we're dancing - gettin our moves on. 

I absolutely love my family and the time I spend with them. These pictures showcase my hard work to lose weight. When I was at the party, you couldn't wipe the smile and overall happiness off my face for anything. I am so happy and I love pictures of me when I can't help but smile because I know that I am over the moon happy. Goosebumps.

Thanks for stopping by. Here is some encouragement for YOU!


  1. It definitely does look like you're dancing. How fun!

  2. It's good to be able to look at photos and really see and feel how happy you were when the photo was taken! These photos look joy-filled to me!

  3. Beautiful family!! :) And love the pictures. So fun :)

  4. Aw, so sweet! I always treasure the time I have with my family as well!


Thank you for stopping by my page and am more grateful for your comment. Be blessed.