Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hospital stays, surprises & surgery -- oh my.

Happy Tuesday, loves!

A week ago, I got really sick on the way home from work. I have never had that pain before and it scared me, I thought I was having a heart attack and would die. Luckily, that was not it.  I am not one to call out of work over a tummy ache so when I stayed home, went to the doctor and found myself getting an ultrasound - I was worried of what it was. I was given a diagnosis of gallstones & that I needed to either remove my gallbladder or be aware that the pain I was suffering would come back if I didn't do the surgical option. So basically to make a long story short, I was admitted to the hospital Thursday night. I had to do an MRI, lots of lab-work and was blessed with great day nurses. Sunday morning, I had my surgery to remove my gallbladder. I am still in pain, sore & uncomfortable - taking one day at a time and just be praying for healing.

That's all I have for today. I am working on my next Girl Between the Lines & So What Wednesday linkups to post tomorrow - they are on their way. I am going to take advantage of this time off to rest and recuperate.

Here are some other things to enjoy:

1) If you enjoy surveys & trying out products for free - feel free to join BzzAgent. I am on this site and have actively participated in several product campaigns such as Neutrogena Long & Wear, Tone Body Wash, Garnier Hydra Recharge (shampoo/dry oil). I have reviewed my experiences with these products on here - check this post and oh yeah, this post too. Interested? Sign up HERE to review products & try them out on yourself!

2) One of my daily must read bloggers, Kristen @ When At Home - started a new link up series about motherhood. If you're a mom, feel free to follow Kristen (she is hilarious!) and to link up with her new series.

3) Do you have a word for 2014? My second must read blog that I read daily, Laura @ The Everyday Joys challenges me in her new post about her word for 2014 & how abandon will be a versatile tool for the year.

I have a few big things I need to get done today & promised my parents/hubs I wouldn't overdo it this wk. Lastly, I am going to make it a thing to encourage you at the end of each post.

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