Last week, I gave a post about 30 Things I want my kids to know about me. I meant to add on to that post last week but it just didn't happen so here we go. Trying to be more intentional about getting my blog posts written.
Tonight I'll be answering #8-14.
8) What are 5 passions you have?
First one:
Baking/Cooking. My mom taught me when I was 16 how to cook. I started cooking for my family in high school, making a few dinners/wk and I really enjoyed it. Some of the meals went pretty terrible but in the 11 years, I've gained more confidence & talent to please my husband. I love to have dinner parties :)
Second one:
Travelling. When my husband & I were still dating, we promised each other we'd have adventures & plenty of them. We've been together for 4 years and we've been to San Antonio (Riverwalk), California (Los Angeles), Kansas City.. etc.
Third one:
Children/teaching. My biggest regret is that I didn't stick with education in college. I wanted to be a 2nd grade teacher since I was 8.
Fourth one:
Paying off student loans. It sounds funny as no one really enjoys making that loan payment but I am one of those interesting people who do. Each month we each make a payment and it's what our tax refunds are going to for many years.
Fifth one:
Blogging. I started blogging through Xanga in high school. I tried in college but I couldn't keep it going. Last year, I started a journey that I am 33% done with. I wanted to have a keepsake of my journey to lose 120 lbs. I want to have a baby but until I lose the remaining 80 lbs this year, a baby is only a future wish.
9) List 10 people who have influenced you & how:
My parents. They taught me what love, integrity, responsibility, and what living life to your fullest is (among other values). They love me unconditionally and have been my #1 cheerleaders my whole life. They are my closest friends.
My grandparents (paternal). They taught my dad how to love and be a respectful, respectable, humble individual who has a huge heart. I miss both of them & can't wait to see them in Heaven.
Third (thru ten):
My extended family. I grew up with them and made good memories with them. They celebrated the highs and were there for the lows. I had a great childhood and life because of them in it.
10) Describe your most embarrassing moment. I attended a youth retreat of my close friends youth group. Some of the younger ones were in the hall, wreaking havoc and in a lapse moment of poor judgement- I decided to throw ice too. I have a horrible aim so one piece I threw hit the fire alarm just at the right angle to make it go off for the ENTIRE HOTEL. Yep- I evacuated an ENTIRE HOTEL for throwing a piece of ice. Needless to say, I never got invited back from that youth group.
11) Describe 10 pet peeves you have *
but I only have 7*
- People talking out of their rear without facts. I sit next to people at work who walk around entitled, cocky and experts at everything. It bugs the snot outta me to hear the negativity all day from someone who has no clue for 9 hours/day.
- Horrible drivers- Where I live people must get their driver's license blindly or with no experience. I pray all the time but especially when I get in the car for work.
- Rude people who like #1 feel they are entitled.
- My neighbors on the left really like to push my buttons to piss me off. Literally have friends over every day, who like to park us into our driveway and have no decency to be smart individuals to know that's not okay. It literally happens multiple times a week *this is my biggest one!*
- Facebook changing things every day.
- President Obama is a pet peeve with spending so much $$ that isn't his.
12) Describe a typical day in your life. *This will change once I have kids*
First alarm: 7:39am. Snooze once.
Get ready for work.
Make hubby's coffee, let dogs outside, make our breakfast. Get lunch together. Leave by 8:25.
Drop hubby off at work, then to the office 5 min away.
Package FA/have stand up meetings. Work with team to meet goals/try not to stress, Listen to Pandora.
Take a 45 min lunch ~ PINTEREST!!
Get off @ 6p, pick up hubby & head home.
Let the dogs outside, make dinner.
WORKOUT for 1 hour/shower.
RELAX/pour a drink/Netflix.
Hit the hay.
13) What's the hardest part of growing up?
In my opinion, balance is the hardest part. My husband & I work for the same company but I never see him unless we meet for lunch, occasionally. I don't see my friends alot because we're all busy. I'm on a different journey than most people- grad school full time, losing weight, work full time, so that eliminates temptations for me. I love the weekends liek this one that are lazy & at home with my loves. May not be productive but it was relaxing and good to just unwind/destress.
14.) Describe 5 strengths/weaknesses.
I put others first before myself.
I'm a positive person.
I sacrifice alot.
My intentions are always good.
I'm always wanting to help or volunteer to help.
Flip side:
I can be too sarcastic.
I try to be a fixer.
I wear my heart on my sleeve.
I don't always think things through.
I'm too serious at times (mostly at work)