I consider myself lucky as I am a BzzAgent and am able to try out FREE products to have a voice. I encourage you to try it all out. YOu'll take surveys and get invited to join in campaigns. I am currently in the Garnier Fructis campaign for their new product: Triple Nutrition Miracle Dry Oil. This is incredible- I love it. Got my bottle in the mail & I immediately put it to great use. My hair feels terrific, and I just feel I am glowing.
In case you want to try new products for FREE & have a voice. Check it out! Be a Bzz Agent with ME!
Until Fab Friday with Laura. have yourself a FAB night :) ~Jessica
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
I am...
I got this post idea from my friend, Laura over @ The Every Day Joys. Sometimes its nice to share thoughts and feelings without writing a novel. Yeah, kind of in a funk today.
I AM...
- Frustrated at myself because I haven't worked out in 2 days, granted its that week that even if you do workout- its not really going to make a difference because I'm crampy, bloated and overall just feeling gross. I haven't been cheating really at all- but I just wish I had more energy after work.
- Very thankful that I start my LAST MBA course tomorrow. Where has the time gone? It feels like 3 years ago when I took my MBA course and was wondering what I had gotten myself into. Lo & beyond, its about time to make my grad cupcakes and plan our celebration dinner w/ fam & friends :) YAY.
- Happy that I get a NEW phone on Thursday. I'm kinda sad already about wiping my IPhone clean but I'm ready to save $ by switching. Plus by dropping my contract, we save $50/mth to afford our Disney passes. So happy I live by Mickey :)
- Exasperated with things I cannot change or control. I work really hard @ my job and I am just frustrated as I would really like to advance & I wish i could have an opportunity to do so. Instead I'm stuck working with immature people who bring their own issues on.
Happy tomorrow is Wednesday, meaning that my 5k is 3 days away :) YAY!
Already cannot wait for FAB Friday! ~Jessica
Sunday, February 24, 2013
30 Things (pt 3)
Happy Sunday! Our plans were to originally spend time with family today but timing changed a bit. Last night I made my mom a cookie cake for her belated birthday party today :) She's not expecting it and I love surprising her this way for lunch!
Maybe two weeks ago, I wrote the original post of 30 Things and today I'll be continuing it with #15-21.
15) Describe when you knew your spouse was the one or when you fell in love: When I met Chris, he was literally weeks away from being done with the Disney College Program and we met on a Christian dating site. He told me that he'd be returning to finish up his last semester at college in KS in a month but that'd didn't matter to me. We got to know each other, talked every day and our first date was at Disney (perks of living in FL & he got in free) park-hopping with a few friends. There was just something about him that I caught early on. He has these amazing blue eyes and a smile that can make your knees buckle right away. But the chemistry we had from early on- I was immensely blessed I found someone this amazing- I had just graduated college 2-3 months prior. The day he left- he met my mom/sister for the first time and just being with him- I wasn't sure if I could handle months away until he came back. I drove him to the airport and when we kissed, it felt like part of me had disappeared. Two months later, I celebrated my birthday & moved half way across the country to be with him. The rest is history.
16) What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
Graduating with my Bachelor's in May '09.
Getting married in June 2011.
Buying our first house in Dec '11.
Paid off our car loan 18 mos early in 2012.
Graduating with my Master's in April '13.
17) What is thing you wish the most you were great at? Art. I draw stick figures, I try to get inspired when I'm @ JoAnn's or Michaels and look at all the different areas of art but I'm just not blessed to be talented like my sis in law who is an amazing artist.
18) What do you think your spouse loves most about you?
He's told me before & there's a long list but at the top- its a 50/50 thing with my big brown eyes and my smile. There's no clear winner between the two.
19) How did you feel when you became a parent? This will be answered hopefully Spring 2014. Until then, I have two dogs and that's the closest I am to a parent. When we got our first, Coco- I wanted to make sure that I did everything I could to keep her healthy and safe, but enjoying life (as much as a dog can).
20) Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood. The first would be when my grandma passed away when I was 11 from a long battle with breast cancer. She & I were very, very close so her death really impacted me. I remember saying goodbye and it just hurt for a very, very, very long time. The second was when my sister was born when I was 14. I remember holding her for the first time and just excited to see who she'd become. Update: She's almost a teenager! The third would be: too painful to talk about, sorry. Just know that bullying is real and it does impact people's lives and mentality.
21) Describe your relationship with your parents. Welp, I know that if It was 10 years ago, I'd be 17 and I'd give a typical answer. Thankfully its 2013, I'm 27 and those past days are very much behind us. My parents and I are very, very close now which I am so so SO thankful and happy for. I enjoy spending time with my family and I know that my best interest is always on their minds. We've come a long way & I know they've always got my back.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Now that my knee isn't bothering me, time to work out. I have my first 5k this coming Saturday and I really want to do well :) My LAST MBA class starts Wednesday, praise the Lord! ~Jessica
Friday, February 22, 2013
Fab Friday!
Today I want to talk about these fab things...
1. I lost 2 lbs this week even though I barely dipped into my Girl Scout cookies.
2. Since I couldn't be with my mom on her birthday this week, I decided to celebrate her 29th making this collage of us over the years. We're so cute!
3. Maybe no one will find this FAB but I do. I'm baking my mom something awesome for a belated birthday party and of all the amazing desserts Pinterest tempted me with-- I stayed strong in my goals to lose weight.
4. I had an unofficial marathon of Arrested Development & New Girl this week. Best ending to a few nights, justified.
5. I got FREE Skinny Cow ice creams for stocking up on my lunch last week. Over half the box left remain & I shared with my husband. Double fab.
6. Our tax refund will be here hopefully Monday. So excited to pay off 1-2 student loans :)
7. At my work desk, I've already printed out April and actively counting down til I get done w/ school.
8. Almost the weekend! Possibly time for Universal or maybe the beach? Love living in Flordeeda.
Your turn! Head on over to Laura's blog & link up with her to share your FAB news from this week!!
Friday's Letters!
Dear Lindsay Lohan- I'm sorry but once upon a time you were this great actress but now every time I turn on the news you're being sued, smoking crack, running into cars, going to JAIL- seriously- you're an actress. Your job is to make bank by playing a character. You're younger than me & already a train wreck.
Dear iced coffee- I love you & that you save me 100 calories every morning. You and I both know that I am not a morning person and I've gotta fake it for a few hours. However, you help me smile and make my work day a little less aggravating real fast.
Dear Skinny Cow: I love chocolate and I love to watch my figure. Thank you for allowing me to do this while letting me enjoy an indulgence.
Dear Saturday: its only Friday but I am already excited for you. I will be gladly turning off my alarm tonight & letting myself sleep in past 7:30, I'm such a daredevil. I know this will change when we have kids but until then-- I am excited for what you bring in a few short hours.
Dear iPhone: Just a reminder that I will most likely be terminating my time with you hopefully shortly. Your days are numbered. There are days that I think you're great but there are many more that I don't. Strangely enough I *might* miss you.
Dear iPhone: Just a reminder that I will most likely be terminating my time with you hopefully shortly. Your days are numbered. There are days that I think you're great but there are many more that I don't. Strangely enough I *might* miss you.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
So WHAT Wednesday
This week I'm saying SO WHAT if....
- I haven't worked out intensely like I was. I just deep cleaned part of my house that needed it for 2.5 hours tonight.
- I've already helped myself to half a sleeve of Thin Mints, they freeze really well and 4 Thin Mints= 1 serving. Justified? You better believe it.
- I come home and slip into my comfy pj pants, life is more comfortable to pay bills, do homework and clean my house than having to do more laundry for a few hours.
- I've been specifically researching the perfect desserts on Pinterest, I fully plan on making My Top 5 whether if it goes on my 'while I'm pregnant' board, my general foodie board or if its just saved on my desktop. None of you may ever know.
- I haven't been the most 'productive' for the past 2 weeks but I am about to start my LAST grad class and if its below sitting in a tub full of scissors than the next 2 months will LITERALLY be a blast.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
30 things (pt 2)
Last week, I gave a post about 30 Things I want my kids to know about me. I meant to add on to that post last week but it just didn't happen so here we go. Trying to be more intentional about getting my blog posts written.
Tonight I'll be answering #8-14.
8) What are 5 passions you have?
First one: Baking/Cooking. My mom taught me when I was 16 how to cook. I started cooking for my family in high school, making a few dinners/wk and I really enjoyed it. Some of the meals went pretty terrible but in the 11 years, I've gained more confidence & talent to please my husband. I love to have dinner parties :)
Second one: Travelling. When my husband & I were still dating, we promised each other we'd have adventures & plenty of them. We've been together for 4 years and we've been to San Antonio (Riverwalk), California (Los Angeles), Kansas City.. etc.
Third one: Children/teaching. My biggest regret is that I didn't stick with education in college. I wanted to be a 2nd grade teacher since I was 8.
Fourth one: Paying off student loans. It sounds funny as no one really enjoys making that loan payment but I am one of those interesting people who do. Each month we each make a payment and it's what our tax refunds are going to for many years.
Fifth one: Blogging. I started blogging through Xanga in high school. I tried in college but I couldn't keep it going. Last year, I started a journey that I am 33% done with. I wanted to have a keepsake of my journey to lose 120 lbs. I want to have a baby but until I lose the remaining 80 lbs this year, a baby is only a future wish.
9) List 10 people who have influenced you & how:
First: My parents. They taught me what love, integrity, responsibility, and what living life to your fullest is (among other values). They love me unconditionally and have been my #1 cheerleaders my whole life. They are my closest friends.
Second: My grandparents (paternal). They taught my dad how to love and be a respectful, respectable, humble individual who has a huge heart. I miss both of them & can't wait to see them in Heaven.
Third (thru ten): My extended family. I grew up with them and made good memories with them. They celebrated the highs and were there for the lows. I had a great childhood and life because of them in it.
10) Describe your most embarrassing moment. I attended a youth retreat of my close friends youth group. Some of the younger ones were in the hall, wreaking havoc and in a lapse moment of poor judgement- I decided to throw ice too. I have a horrible aim so one piece I threw hit the fire alarm just at the right angle to make it go off for the ENTIRE HOTEL. Yep- I evacuated an ENTIRE HOTEL for throwing a piece of ice. Needless to say, I never got invited back from that youth group.
11) Describe 10 pet peeves you have *but I only have 7*
Tonight I'll be answering #8-14.
8) What are 5 passions you have?
First one: Baking/Cooking. My mom taught me when I was 16 how to cook. I started cooking for my family in high school, making a few dinners/wk and I really enjoyed it. Some of the meals went pretty terrible but in the 11 years, I've gained more confidence & talent to please my husband. I love to have dinner parties :)
Second one: Travelling. When my husband & I were still dating, we promised each other we'd have adventures & plenty of them. We've been together for 4 years and we've been to San Antonio (Riverwalk), California (Los Angeles), Kansas City.. etc.
Third one: Children/teaching. My biggest regret is that I didn't stick with education in college. I wanted to be a 2nd grade teacher since I was 8.
Fourth one: Paying off student loans. It sounds funny as no one really enjoys making that loan payment but I am one of those interesting people who do. Each month we each make a payment and it's what our tax refunds are going to for many years.
Fifth one: Blogging. I started blogging through Xanga in high school. I tried in college but I couldn't keep it going. Last year, I started a journey that I am 33% done with. I wanted to have a keepsake of my journey to lose 120 lbs. I want to have a baby but until I lose the remaining 80 lbs this year, a baby is only a future wish.
9) List 10 people who have influenced you & how:
First: My parents. They taught me what love, integrity, responsibility, and what living life to your fullest is (among other values). They love me unconditionally and have been my #1 cheerleaders my whole life. They are my closest friends.
Second: My grandparents (paternal). They taught my dad how to love and be a respectful, respectable, humble individual who has a huge heart. I miss both of them & can't wait to see them in Heaven.
Third (thru ten): My extended family. I grew up with them and made good memories with them. They celebrated the highs and were there for the lows. I had a great childhood and life because of them in it.
10) Describe your most embarrassing moment. I attended a youth retreat of my close friends youth group. Some of the younger ones were in the hall, wreaking havoc and in a lapse moment of poor judgement- I decided to throw ice too. I have a horrible aim so one piece I threw hit the fire alarm just at the right angle to make it go off for the ENTIRE HOTEL. Yep- I evacuated an ENTIRE HOTEL for throwing a piece of ice. Needless to say, I never got invited back from that youth group.
11) Describe 10 pet peeves you have *but I only have 7*
- People talking out of their rear without facts. I sit next to people at work who walk around entitled, cocky and experts at everything. It bugs the snot outta me to hear the negativity all day from someone who has no clue for 9 hours/day.
- Horrible drivers- Where I live people must get their driver's license blindly or with no experience. I pray all the time but especially when I get in the car for work.
- Rude people who like #1 feel they are entitled.
- My neighbors on the left really like to push my buttons to piss me off. Literally have friends over every day, who like to park us into our driveway and have no decency to be smart individuals to know that's not okay. It literally happens multiple times a week *this is my biggest one!*
- Facebook changing things every day.
- President Obama is a pet peeve with spending so much $$ that isn't his.
12) Describe a typical day in your life. *This will change once I have kids*
First alarm: 7:39am. Snooze once.
Get ready for work.
Make hubby's coffee, let dogs outside, make our breakfast. Get lunch together. Leave by 8:25.
Drop hubby off at work, then to the office 5 min away.
Package FA/have stand up meetings. Work with team to meet goals/try not to stress, Listen to Pandora.
Take a 45 min lunch ~ PINTEREST!!
Get off @ 6p, pick up hubby & head home.
Let the dogs outside, make dinner.
WORKOUT for 1 hour/shower.
RELAX/pour a drink/Netflix.
Hit the hay.
13) What's the hardest part of growing up?
In my opinion, balance is the hardest part. My husband & I work for the same company but I never see him unless we meet for lunch, occasionally. I don't see my friends alot because we're all busy. I'm on a different journey than most people- grad school full time, losing weight, work full time, so that eliminates temptations for me. I love the weekends liek this one that are lazy & at home with my loves. May not be productive but it was relaxing and good to just unwind/destress.
14.) Describe 5 strengths/weaknesses.
I put others first before myself.
I'm a positive person.
I sacrifice alot.
My intentions are always good.
I'm always wanting to help or volunteer to help.
Flip side:
I can be too sarcastic.
I try to be a fixer.
I wear my heart on my sleeve.
I don't always think things through.
I'm too serious at times (mostly at work)
Friday, February 15, 2013
This week I want to talk about these FAB things:
1. I've lost another 2.4 lbs this week & I'm hoping for another 6 before the end of the month :)
2. I'm getting close to a year since I decided to lose the weight & with the exception of today -- I've worked hard. I'm hoping to be down 50 lbs after a year of working hard. I'm about 14 pounds away. :)
3.My Bangin' Chicken sauce from Tijuana Flats makes any iffy dish AMAZING.
4. I decided to be a great wife last night & bake cookies for my husband's potluck: White Chocolate Chip cookies. Bonus- I made too many so I still get to enjoy some.
5. because I submitted 2 shows last month for the salesathon-- I got the new stone for Pampered Chef, a new cookbook & the new rub for FREE :)
6. For Valentine's day- my husband surprised me by getting 4Rivers BBQ (only in FL- a hot spot).
4Rivers BBQ,
date night,
FAB Friday,
Pampered Chef,
Tijuana Flats,
weight loss
Monday, February 11, 2013
30 things
If you follow me on Pinterest, you know that I love LOVE to pin a smorgasbord of topics from food I want to cook, fashion ideas, baby shower ideas & also for my future kids. Hopefully that last train will start this Christmas (fingers crossed!)
One of the pins I found (on my lunch break at work) was 30 things my kids should now about me.
I just now got a chance to really look at it and for someone who doesn't have kids yet- I think its important to have this info handy so that when we welcome our first, second, etc-- they will know more about us than we are their parents. Plus its just good info to know overall- who knows maybe a family tradition to start!
Here we go. {I will be completing quite a few for the next week, or two. One day I will print them in a book for my kids.}
1) List 20 random facts about yourself.
a) I was a Miss South Carolina finalist.
b) When I was little, I wanted to start a band named Skittles.
c) My parents told me that had I been a boy, I'd been named Clay.
d) My first blog was on Xanga after high school.
e) I associate with my personality to that of Lorelai Gilmore.
f) If you look closely at my grandma, my mom & my pinkies- they all curve in on both hands.
g) I only let myself have Coldstone once a year (or twice if we feel generous).
h) I dyed my hair blonde on a whim and it took 13 hrs.
i) I have to have music playing all day or I get a migraine.
j) I once evacuated a hotel on a youth retreat.
k) For my 30th birthday, I'm making myself a cake boss cake.
l) I met my husband online (& I'm perfectly content with this).
m) I've coupon-ed since I was 17.
n) When I was younger, I used to put dryer sheets on my pillow to sleep.
o) Every night, I put on baby night time lotion to fall asleep.
p) Every time I watch DC Cupcakes, I brainstorm cakes for friends' birthdays. One day I'll make one.
q) When I was a girl scout- (thanks to my dad)-- I sold 300 boxes as a Brownie.
r) When I need a good swim, my husband & I take a swim at a Disney hotel ;)
s) I wasn't introduced to my love of queso until Spring 2010 in grad school. ;)
t) After every (major) holiday, my hubby & I stock up decor/holiday items. Kinda cute, eh? :)
2) Describe 3 legitimate fears & how they became fears.
a) Spiders- think its quite clear. They're gross. Just seeing one makes me want to be sick :(
b) Heights- when I get too high up, I get lightheaded and fail I will faint.
c) Broccoli- Every time I've ever eaten it-- I gag. It could be good but I just cant stomach it.
3) Describe your relationship with your spouse.: As I mentioned I met my husband on a non well known website about two months after I graduated college. When we talked, I found my better half & genuine best friend. Every time he looks at me, I feel giddy. He knows me so well-- can easily make any thing better. He gives the best hugs & kisses. We work as a team and we know what our goals are & what we need to do to achieve them. I could easily write a book on this one. Baha he makes me laugh.
4) List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could:
-Don't be mad at mom, she's not the one with an attitude. It's all you.
-Not all things are worth getting upset about.
-Having a boyfriend isn't the key to happiness.
-Eating your feelings is sO not worth it.
-The popular girls won't always be #1.
-Only give people your time and friendship when they are willing to do the same.
-You are loved no matter what.
-Mom & Dad only have your best interest in my mind, keep them on your side.
-It's okay to be different inside & out.
-Laugh more!
5) What are the 5 things that would make you the happiest right now?
-If my student loans were mysteriously paid off in full.
-If I could miraculously lose the remaining 85 lbs overnight.
-If my teeth could be as perfect as a models.
-Having more money in my account.
-A much nicer car!
6) If you could have three wishes- what would you wish for? *Better neighbors, fudge, a Jacuzzi in my backyard.
7) What is your dream job & why? There's a 50/50 on this. Wish I'd stuck with education in college so I'd be that second grade teacher I wanted to be. Or to be a counselor/therapist. Basically I want to make a lifetime of difference for others and feel I have genuinely impacted a life for the better.
There are many more but I'll pick up with the next few tomorrow.
One of the pins I found (on my lunch break at work) was 30 things my kids should now about me.
I just now got a chance to really look at it and for someone who doesn't have kids yet- I think its important to have this info handy so that when we welcome our first, second, etc-- they will know more about us than we are their parents. Plus its just good info to know overall- who knows maybe a family tradition to start!
Here we go. {I will be completing quite a few for the next week, or two. One day I will print them in a book for my kids.}
1) List 20 random facts about yourself.
a) I was a Miss South Carolina finalist.
b) When I was little, I wanted to start a band named Skittles.
c) My parents told me that had I been a boy, I'd been named Clay.
d) My first blog was on Xanga after high school.
e) I associate with my personality to that of Lorelai Gilmore.
f) If you look closely at my grandma, my mom & my pinkies- they all curve in on both hands.
g) I only let myself have Coldstone once a year (or twice if we feel generous).
h) I dyed my hair blonde on a whim and it took 13 hrs.
i) I have to have music playing all day or I get a migraine.
j) I once evacuated a hotel on a youth retreat.
k) For my 30th birthday, I'm making myself a cake boss cake.
l) I met my husband online (& I'm perfectly content with this).
m) I've coupon-ed since I was 17.
n) When I was younger, I used to put dryer sheets on my pillow to sleep.
o) Every night, I put on baby night time lotion to fall asleep.
p) Every time I watch DC Cupcakes, I brainstorm cakes for friends' birthdays. One day I'll make one.
q) When I was a girl scout- (thanks to my dad)-- I sold 300 boxes as a Brownie.
r) When I need a good swim, my husband & I take a swim at a Disney hotel ;)
s) I wasn't introduced to my love of queso until Spring 2010 in grad school. ;)
t) After every (major) holiday, my hubby & I stock up decor/holiday items. Kinda cute, eh? :)
2) Describe 3 legitimate fears & how they became fears.
a) Spiders- think its quite clear. They're gross. Just seeing one makes me want to be sick :(
b) Heights- when I get too high up, I get lightheaded and fail I will faint.
c) Broccoli- Every time I've ever eaten it-- I gag. It could be good but I just cant stomach it.
3) Describe your relationship with your spouse.: As I mentioned I met my husband on a non well known website about two months after I graduated college. When we talked, I found my better half & genuine best friend. Every time he looks at me, I feel giddy. He knows me so well-- can easily make any thing better. He gives the best hugs & kisses. We work as a team and we know what our goals are & what we need to do to achieve them. I could easily write a book on this one. Baha he makes me laugh.
Our first cruise. Fall 2012 |
4) List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could:
-Don't be mad at mom, she's not the one with an attitude. It's all you.
-Not all things are worth getting upset about.
-Having a boyfriend isn't the key to happiness.
-Eating your feelings is sO not worth it.
-The popular girls won't always be #1.
-Only give people your time and friendship when they are willing to do the same.
-You are loved no matter what.
-Mom & Dad only have your best interest in my mind, keep them on your side.
-It's okay to be different inside & out.
-Laugh more!
5) What are the 5 things that would make you the happiest right now?
-If my student loans were mysteriously paid off in full.
-If I could miraculously lose the remaining 85 lbs overnight.
-If my teeth could be as perfect as a models.
-Having more money in my account.
-A much nicer car!
6) If you could have three wishes- what would you wish for? *Better neighbors, fudge, a Jacuzzi in my backyard.
7) What is your dream job & why? There's a 50/50 on this. Wish I'd stuck with education in college so I'd be that second grade teacher I wanted to be. Or to be a counselor/therapist. Basically I want to make a lifetime of difference for others and feel I have genuinely impacted a life for the better.
There are many more but I'll pick up with the next few tomorrow.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Friday's Letters
Dear Root beer Floats: I love you, and the magical goodness you bring with you. Not everyone always gets excited for you but why not- its a two in one: ice cream/root beer. Plus if you want to be extra corny like me, you can say you're enjoying the buzz.
Dear Pitch Perfect: Why did it take so long for this movie to dominate my life. Already own it, and I now want to watch it daily. Rebel Wilson practically makes me pee myself each time, and the hopeless romantic in me gets excited for Beka/Jesse sarcasm & how the Breakfast Club is tied in.
Dear Scale: Thank you for rooting my team this week & making me extra happy that I lost 3 pounds this week. Hopefully this is a weekly friendship from now on.
Dear Thin Mints: I love you, and the excitement that I get to enjoy you so soon is making me excited. You literally have the power to fill me with unconditional joy. Probably comes from the 6 boxes I ordered.... from my little sister to help her out.
Dear coworker who sings like a screeching cat: Hi there, its really getting old and just know that it makes me feel like screaming and throwing water balloons your way.. Hearing you sing makes me feel like there are nails on a office wide chalkboard all day; but we both work in an office, not at a church. I'm sorry if this bursts your bubble that I don't love your singing but this ain't American Idol- I'm not paid to lie to you about your "talent."
Dear 28th birthday: I'm really excited for you. I realize you're 8 months away but I can't wait to see all of the effort paying off from working out & making great choices. Plus you brings presents, hopefully my favorite Disney movie on Blu-ray & my Disney Cruise with my husband. Can you please hurry, I am in dire need of a vacation. Like a Pinterest obsessive, lazy day while snuggling with my husband. You bring good times & paid vacay.
Dear Pitch Perfect: Why did it take so long for this movie to dominate my life. Already own it, and I now want to watch it daily. Rebel Wilson practically makes me pee myself each time, and the hopeless romantic in me gets excited for Beka/Jesse sarcasm & how the Breakfast Club is tied in.
Dear Scale: Thank you for rooting my team this week & making me extra happy that I lost 3 pounds this week. Hopefully this is a weekly friendship from now on.
Dear Thin Mints: I love you, and the excitement that I get to enjoy you so soon is making me excited. You literally have the power to fill me with unconditional joy. Probably comes from the 6 boxes I ordered.... from my little sister to help her out.
Dear coworker who sings like a screeching cat: Hi there, its really getting old and just know that it makes me feel like screaming and throwing water balloons your way.. Hearing you sing makes me feel like there are nails on a office wide chalkboard all day; but we both work in an office, not at a church. I'm sorry if this bursts your bubble that I don't love your singing but this ain't American Idol- I'm not paid to lie to you about your "talent."
Dear 28th birthday: I'm really excited for you. I realize you're 8 months away but I can't wait to see all of the effort paying off from working out & making great choices. Plus you brings presents, hopefully my favorite Disney movie on Blu-ray & my Disney Cruise with my husband. Can you please hurry, I am in dire need of a vacation. Like a Pinterest obsessive, lazy day while snuggling with my husband. You bring good times & paid vacay.
Fab Friday
Today I want to talk about these FAB things:
1. I get the entire weekend with my sisters ! I get so busy and I don't have girl time with them so its nice to have that for a few days.
2. Weighed myself on Tuesday & I was down 3 pounds this week, hoping I've lost some more since then.
3. My Girl Scout cookies are on their way! (yes, this is plural)
4. I'll be partnering up with my Pampered Chef team for a bridal event here in Central Florida, time to talk to brides to be and hopefully generate more leads/bookings.
5. I feel really great, the weight loss is coming off & its made me feel amazing/confident of my future.
6. Final grade for my second to last grad class: 97. Extra benefit of working ahead: I get 3 wks to relax before starting my last one. Not thrilled about the topic but ready to graduate with my Master's :)
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
SO WHAT! Wednesday :)
Today I'm saying SO WHAT if....
- Last night when we pulled in our driveway, there was a massive wolf spider (think Africa sized!) on our house. Decided leaving my house for my nightly stroll to work out wasn't happening.
- I've been craving CFA lately like a beast. Tonight I made sure that my dinner complimented the CFA sauce packet I found.
- Today @ work my migraine literally almost made me run out screaming. & I almost freaked out someone took my massive calculator-- looked like a crazed hobo for 15 minutes.
- Spent my lunch hour at work on Pinterest- Food & Drink. Already know what I'm making when I find out I'm pregnant (next year).
- Per #5, I've decided to start a 'When I get Pregnant' board on Pinterest for the delish foodie ideas.
- Unless there is something specific to watch after work, after I cook dinner for my hubs & I-- One Tree Hill begins again.
- Counting down the days til my boxes (yes, that's plural) of Thin Mints arrive!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
One Tree Hill has the best quotes.
Next Thursday is already Valentine's Day. Now that I'm happily married, it really doesn't phase me. I do remember growing up in elementary school and the excitement of buying the cute Valentine's to give to all my friends in our special Valentine's boxes.
And I remember being in college. single and I was pretty excited that my mom sent me a Valentine's note encouraging me that just because I didn't have a 'Valentine' that particular day to buy me roses or chocolate that it didn't mean God loved me any less. In fact, she encouraged me to stay strong and be the person I am despite. Glad I have a wonderful mother/best friend in my life.
Now that I am grown, I get to do Valentine's for my friends/bosses at work and I found a cute idea with Rice Krispies. I'm also going to make them for my hubby's team just for him to get extra brownie points.
His wish for Valentine's day is that I make him chocolate mint fudge: pretty easy to please, that one.. He's not big on cards so I have to oblige.
Any one doing anything special for Valentine's? Or any past memories from Valentine's that you'd like to share?
See you tomorrow for So What, Wednesday with Shannon @ Life After I Dew :)
Monday, February 4, 2013
We're not promised tomorrow.
Hope everyone had a better start to their week. I woke up sore from an intense workout session & soon after I got to work, I found out some sad news. One of my suite-mates/roommates from college had gotten into horrible car accident yesterday & passed away last night. Tiffany was so free spirited & friend to all who knew her. So full of life and she will be missed. No matter what happened, she met the face of Jesus last night & is no longer in pain. Be praying for her family/loved ones as this is so sad and definitely has the potential to change a family dynamic.
While I haven't talked to Tiffany in awhile, I just wanted to take a moment to pay my respects in her memory. I only knew a tiny, tiny part of who she was. Just because this car accident ended her life on earth doesn't mean her memory or legacy has stopped. Everyone she met-- she left a blueprint of her heart and her mission to serve Jesus. That won't stop now or any other day.
Right now the best verse that helps me process this is 1 Cor 2:9. 'No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.'
While I haven't talked to Tiffany in awhile, I just wanted to take a moment to pay my respects in her memory. I only knew a tiny, tiny part of who she was. Just because this car accident ended her life on earth doesn't mean her memory or legacy has stopped. Everyone she met-- she left a blueprint of her heart and her mission to serve Jesus. That won't stop now or any other day.
Blessings to all of my friends & to the Beene family for the hard, painful moments ahead.
(L): Tiffany Beene |
Right now the best verse that helps me process this is 1 Cor 2:9. 'No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.'
Rest in Peace, Tiffany.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Friday's Letters :)
Saw this last week and I decided to double dip on 2 link ups. That's how I roll.
Dear Weekend, Thank you for making an appearance again in my life & bringing a payday with you. Now I can feel better about taking a nap tomorrow for no reason other than I'm not working.
Dear One Tree Hill, Thank you for having seasons 1-9 available on Netflix :) Makes a great way to spend my evenings, afternoons or time when I need to unwind.
Dear Weather, I love you & thank you for showing your cold self in the bipolar Central Florida scene of killer heat/humidity. I needed a break.
Dear Target- Thank you for your 5% off, and the feeling I get when I come in your stores or on my frequent visits to target.com .. & for your great, great deals.
Dear Craigslist- Thank you for helping my husband & I start to get ready to start our family. While that's not starting til next Spring, its great to have a sturdy changing table for $20 that I love.
Dear Husband- Thank you for buying us Universal season passes. We both saw that renewal email with a special lock-in price that we both know we'll be going for.
Dear iPhone- I used to love you, in fact I thought my life would be insanely better with you by my side. However that feeling jumped out the window as now whenever I pass a brick wall, a pond or something relatively hard that could crush you into a million pieces-- I have to hold back all feelings of giving into that desire. Between you, me & the internet-- I'm counting down the days til I can part ways with you. && make a FB status that doesn't have some horribly nonsensical spelling error or jibberish in the middle that makes it sound insane.
Dear Weekend, Thank you for making an appearance again in my life & bringing a payday with you. Now I can feel better about taking a nap tomorrow for no reason other than I'm not working.
Dear One Tree Hill, Thank you for having seasons 1-9 available on Netflix :) Makes a great way to spend my evenings, afternoons or time when I need to unwind.
Dear Weather, I love you & thank you for showing your cold self in the bipolar Central Florida scene of killer heat/humidity. I needed a break.
Dear Target- Thank you for your 5% off, and the feeling I get when I come in your stores or on my frequent visits to target.com .. & for your great, great deals.
Dear Craigslist- Thank you for helping my husband & I start to get ready to start our family. While that's not starting til next Spring, its great to have a sturdy changing table for $20 that I love.
Dear Husband- Thank you for buying us Universal season passes. We both saw that renewal email with a special lock-in price that we both know we'll be going for.
Dear iPhone- I used to love you, in fact I thought my life would be insanely better with you by my side. However that feeling jumped out the window as now whenever I pass a brick wall, a pond or something relatively hard that could crush you into a million pieces-- I have to hold back all feelings of giving into that desire. Between you, me & the internet-- I'm counting down the days til I can part ways with you. && make a FB status that doesn't have some horribly nonsensical spelling error or jibberish in the middle that makes it sound insane.
fab Friday :)
Today I want to talk about these FAB things:
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