Dear Lindsay Lohan- I'm sorry but once upon a time you were this great actress but now every time I turn on the news you're being sued, smoking crack, running into cars, going to JAIL- seriously- you're an actress. Your job is to make bank by playing a character. You're younger than me & already a train wreck.
Dear iced coffee- I love you & that you save me 100 calories every morning. You and I both know that I am not a morning person and I've gotta fake it for a few hours. However, you help me smile and make my work day a little less aggravating real fast.
Dear Skinny Cow: I love chocolate and I love to watch my figure. Thank you for allowing me to do this while letting me enjoy an indulgence.
Dear Saturday: its only Friday but I am already excited for you. I will be gladly turning off my alarm tonight & letting myself sleep in past 7:30, I'm such a daredevil. I know this will change when we have kids but until then-- I am excited for what you bring in a few short hours.
Dear iPhone: Just a reminder that I will most likely be terminating my time with you hopefully shortly. Your days are numbered. There are days that I think you're great but there are many more that I don't. Strangely enough I *might* miss you.
Dear iPhone: Just a reminder that I will most likely be terminating my time with you hopefully shortly. Your days are numbered. There are days that I think you're great but there are many more that I don't. Strangely enough I *might* miss you.
I had "Dear Iced Coffee" in my letter today, too! How funny! :)