11pm where I live and I am inspired to write. Not the best timing considering I can't wait to hit the sack. But for the past 2 1/2 weeks - I am filled with absolute JOY! I am noticing it seeping in every area of my life because of one reason: GOALS.
Why are goals important? What important purpose do they serve?
These are questions I used to ponder last year. I've been on this weight loss journey for almost 3 years. It embarrasses me that in that time - I am not even close to my weight goal. But I was reminded of this important crucial reminder: 'Rome was NOT built in a day!' But I keep with it. I keep taking step after step and keep looking forward to the day I've been waiting for since I was a teenager. But I feel great because that day is slowing comin' around the mountain & here's why:
G O A L S.
There's that word again, y'all. After the holidays, I made the goal of not letting myself slip up to where I had. I gained 9 pounds during the holidays. I gave into the junk that I tried not getting in. But I am stronger, I feel it, more than ever. I do my research before I go out to eat. I look at every factor. I make deliberate choices. And I've set my goals.
So far this month - I've lost 5 lbs! I am so happy with this but I know its only a scratch on the surface, as I am still losing the holiday weight. I knew and have been working hard so as not to let that think it would be sticking around in my life. & it's NOT!
Here's a snapshot of the G O A L S I have made for myself.

* Last month - I promised myself & my parents that in Feb 2015 we'd be running a 5K together. This is my first 5K that I am training for. It's been rough at times going on longer distance runs but every time I finish my training session - I feel great. I feel empowered. I feel like those lies that I used to believe that I couldn't be a runner -- simply disappear.
My first 5K is on Valentine's Day, I am running it with my parents & I couldn't be more excited!!!
* I am going on vacay in the next few months, one is a staycation with my inlaws staying at my second home, Disney & the other is our 3rd Disney cruise! I really wanted to enjoy both so I've been working hard for the goal of losing 30 lbs by the latter. I am 5lbs down, so 25 lbs in a few months is definitely doable!
* My 4th wedding anniversary is in June. I want to lose 50 lbs. I want to celebrate the best day of my life with my best friend & feel great, while looking fabulous.
* This 5K is February is only a stepping stone. I want to do more races. I want to do a 10K in these next few months! I am going to keep training at night and working hard to run the entire 10k!
* Finishing my book. It's been a project that I keep claiming to work on. But I need to stop and just finish writing it.
* Work on my prototypes to start my new business. (Keeping the details a secret for now until it gets going but I am trying to involve my friends to incorporate them into parts of it. I am excited, regardless of how it goes!)
SO - why are G O A L S important? Because they help reach a milestone, short and simple. You put forth your hard work, dedication and you work at it, day and night. It becomes your biggest priority! Working out is different this time. I have big plans - I want to celebrate my life as the best version of myself. This is a lifestyle choice for me. I have no regrets and am not losing momentum any time soon.
Thanks for stopping by. & I hope this post gives you encouragement in the G O A L S you have in your life!
Tomorrow is Thursday, so the weekend is coming back!! :) :)