Happy Thursday, friends :) These past few days I have been having all these ideas for my book shindig run through my head and all sorts of other ideas that really don't take precedence just yet ;)
Today I am jamming out to 'Roar' by Katy Perry on my iPod and its literally on repeat, much to the likes of my coworkers but this is my jam. I remember when I first heard this song on the radio and it seemed like another Katy Perry song - something cute but it didn't really impact me. Though since all radio stations seem to overplay music, I was hearing it all the time and the more I heard it - the more I needed it on my iPod.
Some of the lines in this song have really made me smile because I relate to them so well.
'I went from zero to my own hero.' 'I am a champion and you're going to hear me roar.'
When I tell people that I am writing a book - they kind of give me this judgy smile like as if to say 'What could you possibly have to say?' Like they judge me before they've even read anything I have to say. It bothers me sometimes because this book is my pride and joy. I started working on it in 2006. It's been kind of pushed around for these last few years because I've been in transition whether it was switching colleges, moving to Kansas, falling in love with my mister and all sorts of other fun things. '

But now that I am settled - I am ready to write and let my inspiration be used to benefit the lives of teen girls/college girls/adult girls around me. The main reason I am writing a book is that I strongly believe from my countless experiences, both positive and negative that my voice is important and worth sharing it for the opportunity to encourage ladies who may find themselves in the same situation(s) that I did while growing up. I dealt with alot of tears in my formative years from boys, being bullied, mean girls, the whole weight thing and I just strongly believe that if I can share my experiences to be able to prevent even 1 girl somewhere from having to deal with unnecessary pain and frustration than I will feel greatly accomplished.
I am excited for this process and all that will possibly happen in terms of future opportunities by doing this. Writing has always been a therapeutic outlet for me and I believe that there could be doors that open for me in publishing this book.
For those who have had their hearts broken, or have had their own experiences I would love to talk more with you about this. I want to talk to you, and when more chapters are in process find individuals who're interested in sharing to potentially end up being included in my book.
Be You, Be Beautiful will be discussed in my book and I am interested in hearing what you think of this saying in your own life - whether its about you, how its helped you overcome past difficulties or how you would encourage other ladies with this in your own way. (Loaded question, I know!)
Thanks for stopping by! :)