Sometimes there are messages that we listen to whether they are at church, on billboards, from our friends/family, or the news even that we know we needed to hear it for our own mental health. That was how I felt this morning while live streaming, and to my surprise, the pastor speaking was Dr. Crystal Evans, who is one of the pastors at Northwestern Orlando.
Her message filled me with encouragement and hope to be perfectly honest. I have been feeling so down lately as I've been having medical issues on top of my chronic congenital issues. Part of me has been angry at God as the congenital ones I did not sign up for and the ones that have happened in the last month -- I would have never wanted to face and confront them. Now I am seeing them in a different light. God knew that I would have to deal with this heartache and He still promises to hold me tight as I keep my trust and faith in His timing.
I really thought that my the time I was thirty, I would have at least two kids. I would be in the job I love, traveling the world and making lots more money.
While not all of these dreams are true, like the being rich at 30 and having kids, I am reminded that my worth in God is not only what I wanted for me, but what He has planned for me. It's about sharing what He has done in my life, keeping my faith in Him and remembering my value. He is going to reward us by In the world we live in, we're told that our worth and value is based off our jobs, our houses and how we prosper in society.
That's not how it is valued with Jesus. He values our worth by using it to help the lives of others who find themselves in the same situation. I know that while extended family and friends wonder when kids will be brought into the picture. I thought by now that kids would be in our lives but it's more important that I wait for His perfect timing.
So understand that your value isn't what car you drive or how much you make in a year. With Jesus, it's about how you give back and love your neighbor, how you live your life to impact the lives of others for Jesus, and lastly, investing your value in ways to glorify Him. <3
I've been wanting to get back into blogging and posting but after today's message about evangelism, and what this really means to me -- I wanted to share what's been on my heart and reflect on it. Here's hoping your week is fantastic, full of good sleep and happy in all adventures you find yourself doing.
- Jess