1) My Dad. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday. He is my biggest cheerleader and the biggest heart for ministry. He has always supported me in everything I do, and lately with my weight loss milestones always knows how to encourage me. He is the best dad in the universe, I am biased. :)
#2) Krissa. My sister in law & brother are such a good match for each other. They've gifted me with a nephew and a niece, and a pup who I love. :) I was so glad that I got to have her as my matron of honor in my wedding. I am so glad they live local.
#3) Grandma Williams: My husband's grandma passed away last year. This year has been alot of hard 'firsts' for my mother in law without her mom. I can't imagine how hard it has been to celebrate birthdays, holidays, last days of school (she is a middle school/special needs teacher) and now its her first birthday in Heaven. I am glad she is with Jesus today. While I miss her hugs, and her sweet demeanor - I appreciate that I got to know her right after C & I started dating. She welcomed me into the family like I was already related. What a sweet lady who is rightfully missed.

Thanks for stopping by to celebrate these 3 big family birthdays today. I've had a blast remembering my birthdays and getting back into blogging again. Cheers to tomorrow being Thursday. :) -- J
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