But today, ladies, I want to encourage you by letting you know that:
#1) People have opinions + they are entitled to them.
#2) You may not always like or enjoy these opinions.
#3) NO MATTER WHAT - if their opinions are about you --
they DO NOT have to define you in any way, shape or form.
Now, at the time I was a tad offended because this was a random stranger. Long ago, this type of event happened all the time but its been 2 years since and it made me sad that someone would say that period, and to a person they don't know. But later on - it made me laugh. I let it roll of my back and I said a prayer to God thanking Him for knowing my worth + identity in Him is completely different and awesome.
Just because this woman decided to make her opinion of me known - doesn't mean I let it impact my life for the long term. What she said has no long term dent on me or who I am.
I didn't have the best time in high school or middle school. I was bullied alot. People said and did lots of horrible things to me which hurt for a long time. After I while, I honestly got to the point where I was just like - this isn't doing anything for me to hold on to what they think of me - that is just THEIR opinion of me, their perception but it was FALSE.
While I wish they had chosen to get to know me - that was what they wrote in my yearbook every year for 6+ years " dear jessie, it was great getting to know you this year"- they didn't know me and enjoyed making me feel uncomfortable about things out of my control that I couldn't change.
Maybe you've been in my shoes, whether you were 13 or 33. Maybe it's someone at work who likes to stir up catty drama with you. Maybe its a mom at your son/daughter's school. Maybe it's someone whose been your friend for years and something happened. Regardless of the situation, I pray that you will know your worth.
Whatever anyone says that isn't true - just take a note from Taylor Swift + SHAKE IT OFF! Don't let lies or footholds in your life from other situations hold any meaning - they have none. You're incredible + created by Jesus who loves you just the way you are.
Hope you have an incredible week! ~ Jessica