Yes - that is a Minion cake that I ordered for myself. I'm a big kid at heart :)
So - today is my 2nd post in my new weekly Monday series to encourage/inspire every woman who reads my blog.
Today - I want to remind each of you ladies that He has not forgotten us -
we are definitely on His radar at every moment of every single day.
When I was a senior in high school, this song by Mary Mary was ingrained into our memory. It was to be the song played and sung by the ladies in our class. Before that moment of graduation while we were in California on our senior class trip,it was decided we ALL needed to sing it every chance we got. At the time it was simply an annoying song with a good message that I didn't really read into the message intentionally until years after. Honestly though, its an easy concept to believe in - doesn't cost you your money, or give you a headache for a sketchy gimmick.
It's a promise that God made thousands of years ago and is still standing STRONG behind it TODAY with each one of us.
Take a moment and reflect on your circumstances:
~ Are you working at a job that doesn't pay you well?
~Are you stuck in a relationship that you're just 'going through the motions' and unhappy?
~Are you frustrated constantly by how your life is going or how it didn't turn out like you'd hoped?
Well to all of you that may find yourself feeling like you're stuck -- STOP!!
STOP letting things out of your control hold you down. Satan often disguises himself as a sheep in wolves clothing. His main excitement is that his sole purpose is that he comes to steal, kill and destroy! {John 10:10}.
How does this impact you and your life??
Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. He doesn't want any part of you to be happy. He wants you to feel like you have no control of your future. But you do! You have a future to be excited for, and to make plans for.
Despite where you find yourself or maybe your in a less than ideal stretch of circumstances = God has NOT left you behind! You're still very much on His radar and He is still actively making plans on your behalf to bring you blessings, bring you joy and keep you on cloud nine. He is absolutely crazy about each of us!
So, please be encouraged to keep your head high. We're in our different journeys but we're still destined for greatness. Despite the worst day or the sunniest outlook we may have, He has not left you behind or brought you THIS far to give up on you!
Thanks for stopping by! Hopefully next week I'll be able to introduce a new weekly series to see how it takes off to evolve into something great. Still working out a few details, hope your week starts off beautifully :) Xo. - Jess
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