Tuesday, September 3, 2013


HOORAY! The thing I love best about fall, honestly is  the fact that its about the best four months of the year. I love it because of the not so good reasons -- seasonal drinks @ Starbucks which I only indulge in twice, really make those cals worth it! I love the cooler weather which in FL it does happen -- when you're lucky ;) & its just that time of getting your family together because you just can and that makes me excited. There are many other reasons but I just finished working out 10 min ago so I am trying to keep this brief. (My mind works best after I work out in terms of blogging, kind of like when I used to have a planner & would cross off my to-do list).

So, the title of this post is #doSOMETHING which is my two day old fitness goal that I've challenged myself to. As much as I want to start our family -- I have to get my healthy, fit self back. Not just for my condition but because I just feel sooo good when I carve out the time for my best version of me. My challenge is basically that I want to stop making excuses (I'm too tired, takes too long, etc..) and just workout. All of September, I'm challenging myself to 30 min minimum. October 1st increases to 40 minutes. & so on.

Tonight I also did something great -- I re-faced MyFitnessPal. I held myself accountable and entered in all of my food/cardio/ab work and hopefully in 5 weeks -- I will be where they estimate. Secondly, I partnered with IdealShape for their 12 week challenge. This will help keep me focused, motivated and on track. Sometimes you just need a friend or a hundred ones who are on the course with you to keep you reminded of your goals and where YOU want to be.

Lastly, I just want to say a big THANK YOU to my amazing parents. I joke with them that I've definitely grown up when it comes to what I want for my birthday. When I was little - annually I'd ask for unrealistic gifts -- like a pony. My mom would smile but it never went that far.  But this year they surprised me with an early birthday gift -- new AMAZING running shoes from Saucony. We're talking hot pink shoes that just by looking at them -- fill me with JOY! This way I will be able to start walking/jogging and eventually break the I can't run chain -- and be a runner. I'd love to run a 10K next year and some day a half marathon.

My pretty new shoes! 

Other items I am interested in that my husband vaguely mentions he'll be taking care of -- 
the new Little Mermaid 3D & well my  birthday will be a Disney Cruise! 

I challenge you to make yourself a #doSOMETHING challenge even if its not related to fitness, maybe to spend less time on technology, take a hiatus from Twitter or Facebook or just find something you need to get done more. Either way, be BLESSED. -- J