Monday, January 28, 2013

Say hello, will ya?

1. Blogs I visit daily.  The Everyday Joys. Honey, I Shrunk the Mom. 

2. Are you on Instagram? Yes, I am! jessheartschris618 ;) 

3. Can we find you on Pinterest? What's your Pinterest address, and what can we expect to see you pinning most? (recipes, DIY projects, home decor, etc.) You can find me HERE!! -- I love pinning food, DIY projects, home decor & ideas for my future kids :) It's gotten to the point where my husband looks over & is like 'oh you're on Pinterest...still?' It's an addiction. 

4. What are your favorite blog link-ups to participate in? (weekly link-ups other bloggers have...any number will do...please link us to them!) Random Wednesday & definitely Fab Friday

5. Why do you blog? I blog because I LOVE to write & clear my head. I think its fun to meet new friends and have an healthy blog/something of your own to share. 

6. Tell us one random fact about yourself.
I was a 2005 Miss South Carolina finalist.


  1. thanks for stopping by my blog. Love yours

  2. So cool that you were a finalist for Miss South Carolina! That's definitely one thing I'm not able to say!

    Stopping by from the link up! :) Nice to "meet" you! Going to follow you on IG now! xo!

  3. Stopping by from link up!

    That's pretty awesome about the Miss South Carolina finalist thing! Also, I think blogging is very helpful in clearing my head. I know somethings I just have way too much up there and blogging is a fun release :) Looking forward to reading more!

  4. How fun about the Miss South Carolina!!!

    Stopping by from "Say Hello"!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom


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