Each time I go on a cruise, the convo always seems to feel like this, especially if its with someone who doesn't know me as well.
Friend: What are you doing on your vacation?
Jess: I am going on a cruise!
Friend: Oh, cool, what ship?
Jess: Disney!
Friend: ::insert awkward stare at ceiling:: minutes later: oh, cool.
Yeah, you called it - that obvious elephant in the room. I don't have kids and I love Disney cruises. Yes, Disney is geared towards families with kids. Yes, that's not my current family dynamic. BUT - here's why I Disney cruise. It has nothing to do with THAT.
1) I love kids. I grew up around kids and when GOD is ready to bless us with that next step, though we are very excited and praying for that to happen sooooon - it's gonna happen.
2) I love Mickey! My husband & I are both avid fans of Disney in general. We go to the parks often. We buy Disney souvenirs for our home and for each other.
3) We love time together on our cruises. We've been married for 5 years in June. But we are the very best of friends and while we enjoy soaking up the time on the ship ONLY for adults - we do welcome the trips and memories to make with our future kiddos on the family sides.
4) We are both kids at heart. Each of us get excited about the features and benefits of what Disney offers us on board like new movies on the ship, the chance to meet the characters & see Mickey at dinner, and the fact that you can order Mickey bars for room service. Each cruise is such a fantastic getaway and while we don't have kids -- we hope that will be changin' soon.
So, there you have it. In case you were curious why I Disney cruise and yes, we're that couple at dinner that doesn't have kids at our table or kids in our room or kids with us -- it's the type of cruise that honestly fits us just fine all the same.