Hooray for the weekend! Here's to celebrating the weekend & the top 5 moments of the week.
1) Sonny's wings are legit. At the end of August, I was intro'd to Sonny's dry rubbed wings. Wings are my jam, I don't really allow myself to have them but they are incredible. This week I was with my friend for lunch & I got to have my wings again. They were incredible but I really made the random on lookers who watched me dive in - something to talk about.
2) Weight loss. I refuse to lie to myself or anyone. I took a break for my 30th birthday & its been a struggle to get back but today I feel I overdid it with the snacks and it strangely gave me the kick to get back full force. I am excited to get back into my better ways and get off this plateau.

4) October 14th - 6th anniversary of when we truly started our lives together. I knew we'd get married eventually & this date is something I always celebrate every year. :)

Cheers to the weekend. Time to sleep in some, workout like a beast, clean my house, hopefully a Starbucks date with my sister. Enjoy your weekend! - J