Hello friends + other bloggers who stumble upon my page of the internet:
I didn't mean to take a break off the blog - it just got SO crazy for me in November with being out of town for Thanksgiving with my inlaws, then my husband's grandma passed unexpectedly, and then Christmas happened (my favorite day).. But now I am on vacation + approaching my workiversary (#4) at my company so I have time to breathe & reminisce.
Thought I'd say HELLO! & share a little bit of the past 6 weeks what #therobinson household has been doing. :)
From top to bottom - Dec 2nd - we saw the Candelight Processional @ Epcot with Neil Patrick Harris. He is fantastic :)
Before this happened - on my roadtrip to the Midwest for Turkey Day - we stopped by my old childhood home in Tennessee. Actually made me tear up after 17 years since we moved + all the memories that flooded in. I got to introduce my husband to a small part of my childhood. :)
Below, a selfie with my mom + sistas before Christmas shopping. Love this picture of us! <3
Below this, posing with my mom before my work Christmas party @ Universal Citywalk!
Lastly, Christmas has always been my favorite day to celebrate. This year marked our 6th Christmas together & regardless I love getting to do life with this guy - sharing moments and adventures :) This was us at my parents on Christmas in front of the tree. :)

Without further ado -- Merry Christmas + Happy New Year!
Are you excited as me for what 2015 brings? I've started making some plans:
- Getting back into church
-Disney passes renewed//Working hard on the weight loss train!
- Feb 2015 - My niece arrives!!
-February 14th - been training for my second 5K with my parents :)
-March 15 - Celebrating my best half's birthday <3
This is just a snapshot of my year. What about you? I hope that this New Year brings you opportunities to do something great - whether its a promotion or a chance to do something great/different. :) 2015 is the year when I start a new era - I turn 30 in October! Been working hard + picking up the pace to lose weight/be proud of the moments to come in this year until my big celebration.
One of the big ways I started doing that is by babysitting to pay down student loans. I am going to continue this process to help make small dents. I am praying for opportunities to find more families or positions to give me a boost.
I hope you enjoy these next few last moments of 2014. :) I am definitely going to refocus attention back on here. :)