Hi friends! We did it, we made it to Friday!! :)
I'm linking up again today with {the farmer's wife} and September Farm for another edition of 'Oh hey, Friday'.
Today I am celebrating the five best qualities of my baby sister, Jordyn who turns fourteen today. :) I won't be able to celebrate with her til next week but she deserves my blogpost to honor the beautiful lady she is becoming.
#1) My sister loves to go on adventures. Whether its going swimming at Disney, going to the beach, sleepovers at my house, shopping, or having our Target cafe dates - if you follow her instagram - she loves to create adventure and excitement for herself and those around her. When she looks back at her life in fifty years, she won't be disappointed with the life she made for herself.
#2) My sister always puts her family first. She recognizes the importance of those closest to her and making choices so as to better those relationships first and foremost. She supports my siblings & I in all that we do and in return, I will always do that for her. I didn't expect to get a younger sister when I was almost fifteen but she is one of the greatest blessings in my entire life. I thank God for our close relationship/friendship and I hope she knows this.
#3) My sister is hands down, beautiful and absolutely gorgeous. She always works hard in all the many sports she plays: basketball, track, softball and volleyball. She has grown up before my eyes and I couldn't be prouder of who she is. She starts high school next month and will be playing varsity basketball! & I can't wait to be there to cheer her on as much as possible.
#4) My sister knows how to be herself. She doesn't let society define her. She works hard at school, in sports, in friendships, life to ensure that she gets to do what she wants. She loves to laugh, take pictures and post as many as possible to Instagram. She loves her family. She loves to be with her friends and smiling. She is who she wants to be.
Finally (I could go on forever but these are the five best qualities among the many).
#5) We both enjoy Starbucks dates. Some of our best conversations happen there while I try to understand where she gets these crazy, amazing frappucino concoctions from.
Happy FOURTEENTH birthday to my amazing, beautiful, confident, charming and adventurous sister. I am SUPER proud of who you are today and who you are becoming! Thank you for our friendship and that we are so close. I love you and I hope this next year is the most incredible and happiest one of yours. :)